Microsoft Dynamics Convergence 2015 in Chicago? No!

Microsoft Convergence 2015 is in Atlanta, GA

*Update – Chicago is not the next host city for Convergence. Microsoft announced on April 10, 2014, that Convergence 2015 is returning to Atlanta for the fourth time in six years. Save the date for March 16-19, 2015!

Microsoft Convergence 2015 - AtlantaIs Microsoft about to break a long streak of “southern” cities to host its annual Convergence conference? The last eight host cities were San Diego (’07), Orlando (’08), New Orleans (’09), Atlanta (’10), Atlanta (’11), Houston (’12), New Orleans (’13), and now back in Atlanta (’14). For someone who lives in a cold, northern state, I have always found Convergence to be a “spring getaway” from snow, ice, windchill, boots, etc.

After stumbling upon, and correctly identifying the 2014 host city prior to its unveiling, I thought why not look for any public information on its whereabouts for 2015. Let’s just say that I possibly uncovered information on an unlikely (darkhorse) location for Convergence 2015.

As mentioned in a previous post, I would be extremely happy if Convergence traveled to a different city each year. There is something refreshing and exciting about going somewhere new. Whether it’s in San Diego, Orlando, New Orleans, or Chicago, each location delivers a distinct difference in its food, culture, and hospitality. Personally, I’d encourage future shows to be held in Miami, Charleston, Memphis, Las Vegas, Phoenix, or San Diego.

With that said, based off speculative evidence found, Convergence could indeed be in a new city in 2015. According to a published presentation from the Chicago Citywide Convention Calendar, page 6 reveals that Microsoft Convergence 2015 will be in Chicago, Illinois. Of course, this hasn’t been confirmed by Microsoft, nor has it been officially posted on Chicago’s Convention Center calendar. At this point, it’s only speculation.

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